By Bus:
Details available at: https://tfl.gov.uk/plan-a-journey/
By Train:
A short 5 minute walk from Northwick Park and South Kenton tube stations
By Car:
Hospital parking available at pay and display prices. Details available at:
Jeremy Weldon
Consultant Radiographer / Practice Educator Lead
London North West University Healthcare
Katie Dawson
Practice Educator
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Phillip Regelous
Practice Educator
London North West University Healthcare
PLUS other Special Guests
Many North West London Radiographers
Topics to Include:
Arrival and registration
Welcome and introduction
Introduction – welcome, aims
Jeremy Weldon - Consultant Radiographer & Practice Educator Lead – LNWUH
Session 3
The role of the Practice Educator & introduction to LNWUH
Phillip Regelous – Practice Educator & Advanced Practitioner, LNWUH
Setting up and reporting in a radiographer lead HSG service
Nadiyah Parwez – Radiographer, LNWUH
Ultrasound Training Academy – the first three months
Anne-Marie Scott and Roaya Zuhair – Ultrasound Training Academy Students, LNWUH
My first 18 months at LNWUH – what I know now
Sara Abukar - Radiographer, LNWUH
5 years and counting – what kept me in North West London
Janki Patel – Radiographer, LNWUH
MRI masterclass – a review of practice and interesting cases
Rejosh George – Radiographer, LNWUH
Innovative CTC practice at LNWUH
Phil Regelous – Practice Educator & CTC Radiographer
A show case of the diverse and innovative roles radiographers play in North West London.
Tackling recruiting challenges in London – the practice educator model.
Experiences of - newly qualified radiographers working in North West London.
5 years qualified- what made me stay in London.
Ultrasound Training Academy – the first 6 months.
Ultrasound Training Opportunities
Mammography – current practices.
Radiographer PICC line insertion.
Setting up a radiographer led HSG service.
Cardiac Cath Lab.
The PACS Radiographer experience.
Radiographer Plain Film Reporting.
Session 2
The role of the Practice Educator and introduction to CWH
Katie Dawson – Practice Educator & Advanced Practitioner, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital
My first year at CWH, what I know now
Anthony Bryan – Radiographer, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital
The role of the radiographer in cardiac catheter labs
Alexandra Cook – Radiographer, West Middlesex Hospital
PACS team opportunities
Janine Scott & Laura Oldfield - Radiographers, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital
Training Opportunities in Ultrasound
Graham Porte – Advanced Practitioner in Ultrasound, Chelsea & Westminster Hospital
Role Extension to Advanced Practitioner in Mammography
Daxa Kanani, Najma Muse & Ruki Vekaria – Radiographers, LNWUH
Panel session – GC, KD, PR, NP
Networking, informal interviews
Lunch / informal interviews
Session 1
Opportunities & the work of Practice Educators in North West London
Jeremy Weldon – Practice Educator Lead – LNWUH
Introduction to THH & recruiting, a manager’s perspective
Nitin Parmar– Diagnostic & Imaging Manager, Hillingdon Hospital
SPECT / CT – a departmental journey
Martin Rowe – Senior Radiographer, Hillingdon Hospital
Border Force a new approach
Wendy Humphries – Reporting Radiographer – Mount Vernon Hospital
Benefits of Society of Radiographers Membership
Bozenna Borzyskowska – London Regional Committee, SOR
Radiographer led PICC line service introduction
Vishal Manek – Radiographer, LNWUH
Break / informal interviews
Safety of Gadolinium based contrast agents
Dr. Imran Shahid – Guerbet